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Comparison of Synergy with NRC guidelines for a 500kg healthy adult horse at maintenance.

14 November 2019

Comparison of Synergy with NRC guidelines for a 500kg healthy adult horse at maintenance.

The National Research Council (NRC) guidelines are the industry recognised standard for recommended daily rates of nutrients for horses. All grazing, forage and browse...

Into the Winter – Feeding and Nutrition for the Colder Months

1 October 2019

Into the Winter – Feeding and Nutrition for the Colder Months

As the nights begin to draw in and the temperature drops, you are probably turning your thoughts to what extra bags of feed can...

Why does my horse eat horse poo?

17 May 2019

Why does my horse eat horse poo?

We often have enquiries from anxious owners asking why their horse has suddenly been seen eating horse droppings. Their immediate reaction is to question...

Forage is the biggest part of your horse’s diet, and the most important too.

20 March 2019

Forage is the biggest part of your horse’s diet, and the most important too.

A large horse eats approx 3 to 3.5 ton (dry weight) of forage each year – that’s a lot of grass and hay! Now...

Dare to be Different!

28 January 2019

Dare to be Different!

Due to a very successful talk given by Dr Debbie Carley, founder of Thunderbrook yesterday, we have been inundated with enquiries as to why...

This winter – to rug or not to rug?

27 January 2019

This winter – to rug or not to rug?

Did you know that the only 2 mammals capable of running for sustained distances are horses and human beings, as we are the only...

Can you feed your horse carrots?

21 January 2019

Can you feed your horse carrots?

Customers tell us they can’t feed their horses carrots because they are high in sugar. FACT: Raw carrots contain only 4.7% sugar and 1.4% starch....

Now this may be of interest to you and your horse!

9 January 2019

Now this may be of interest to you and your horse!

Now this may be of interest to you and your horse! As a human, your gut contains over a thousand different species of bacteria,...

What do you feed your horse?

7 January 2019

What do you feed your horse?

What do you feed your horse? Pony cubes? veteran mix? stud mix? showjumper mix? convalescent mix? cool mix? high fibre nuts? high fibre chaff?...

Effects of crop spraying on Equine Health

3 January 2019

Effects of crop spraying on Equine Health

Sometimes the greatest challenges in life teach us the greatest lessons, and losing some of my finest horses in life has taught me a...

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